Night.. Fail

April 7, 2011

So tonight is my first softball game of the season. You would think spring would be in full force and we would have pleasant weather, but it’s still bleh.

Breakfast was another one of the oat packets I bought. This one was Strawberries and Cream.

I added some chopped pecans and mixed in frozen berries.

My morning snack was going to be nuts and a banana.

But I ended up just eating the nuts and saving the banana to dip in my hot sauce at lunch with my lean pocket pretzel bread.

I also had a few saltines, with hot sauce o’ course…

Afternoon snack was a cup of grapes.

I call this “a vita top with a dream”.

Fitness: At work i did my pushups w4d2. I had big plans for this night, I was slated to run 4 miles and decided on doing a new out and back along main St and Manayunk canal. When I was done i planned on trying another on demand weight routine and then going to my first softball game of the season. However I got home from work and my stomach really started to bother me. I laid down in the fetal position for 10 mins, willing myself to get up. Eventually, i decided I was fine and i got ready. I even put on a tshirt I was excited about and took a pic! This is for Court!

Story on this: this tshirt is from a pub crawl I went on when I was visiting Prague two years ago. When my old roommate/ good friend Courtney and I tried on these small shirts it was after a week of eating German sausages, pretzels, and beer at Oktoberfest and they did not fit. It was like sausage casing. When I got back from Oktoberfest I was a few months into my relationship with Dan and we were going out to dinner all the time and not eating so well so I didn’t really lose the weight as quickly as I would have. I think I tried the shirt on one more time and it was still skin tight. I was excited today to have it fit! A good thing to think about before what was to follow…

So I started my run. About one mile in my stomach hurt again and I decided I needed to turn around. I tried to at least jog back but the whole thing was terrible, I ended up only going about 2.4 miles (in 27 mins :( ). Anyway I decided to just call it at that and die in my bed…. For the rest of the night. Sorry, softball team!

Anyway, despite my stomach troubles i was still really hungry thank god for leftovers.

-shake n bake and mustard pork
-mashed potatoes
-yellow and red peppers and onions

I love going to Jaes for dinner because he’s always afraid he didn’t make enough and he doesn’t eat leftovers. So I always go home with at least one other meal. thanks, Jae!

After dinner I spent the remainder of the evening in bed with this cream egg staring me down. I had too, I was so depressed about my workout, what better comfort then more calories then I need.

So now that I’ve messed up my training plan going to have to run a little more on Saturday then I had planned. Plan should have been:
Thurs- 4 miles
Fri- 2 miles and hot yoga
Sat- really fast 5k

The reality will be:
Thurs- 2.4 miles
Fri- 2 miles and hot yoga
Sat- 4 miles (going to try and hold a fast pace for these)

Missing a mile in there but I guess that will be fine.

Sunflower butter

March 15, 2011

Its weird waking up when it’s dark all of a sudden again. I know it’s only for a bit but I liked the sun in the morning.

My parents bought me a ton of fruit when they came last night so there will be a lot eaten in the next few days. Similar to this double serving at breakfast.

Strawberry Pecan Oats

-1/8 c steel cut
-1/2 multigrain
-1/2 banana
-tbsp pecan pieces
-on top 5 strawberries cut up

This was a good mix of flavors. The pecans added a sweet crunch and went well with the strawberries. The banana males the oats creamy.

Missed my snack because I was in a meeting.

Lunch lean pocket pretzel bread chicken jalapeño cheddar.

This was just as delicious the 2nd time. Love.

With a side of 20 butter snap pretzels and the other half of my morning banana. All dipped in hot sauce. Yes, even the banana. It’s good. Try it.

Afternoon snack was some amazing pineapple and strawberries from my parents.

Prerun vita top hugged by my birthday bear.

Fitness: I have volleyball today (so i cant teach my class) and a bachelorette party Saturday (difficult to fit in a long run) so I am mixing up my workout schedule this week. Today I ran my long run which was 5 miles. Mile Stats:
1- 9:27
2- 9:11
3- 9:26
4- 9:11
5- 8:59
Last .21- 9:39
Total: 5.21 48:12

Not great but not terrible. I am starting to see I will just be proud of myself for fishing the half instead of shooting for a time goal. It is my first one, I should try and enjoy it. Just a random thought.

After the run I had about a half hour to shower and get ready but i was oddly starving so i ate dinner instead.

-1/2 c grapenuts
-1/4 c blueberry muesli
-skim milk

I was still hungry after that so i thought i would try my newest purchase:

I made it into a fluffernuter.

-Slice of whole grain white bread
-tbsp sunflower butter
-tbsp fluff

Sunflower butter is delicious! The taste of sunflower seeds is subtle and it’s very creamy. I really like it as a pb stand in. I almost feel like I am cheating by eating it during Lent when I gave up pb… Almost.

More fitness: After, I walked with my friend Mike to the game. Some stats for that haha: 15 mins .76 miles. We won the game and walked back. So logged an extra mile and a half.

Pretzel Pocket

March 8, 2011

Today I was not liking the diet-to-go breakfast. A bran muffin and greek yogurt for 390 calories. First that is too much for breakfast. I stop at about 350 unless it’s something special. The muffin was tiny and 250 calories. I ditched the muffin and filled the yogurt with about a cup of Puffins pb cereal and a few strawberries.

This was a good combo but I wish it ha been plain yogurt. I do not like honey (not sure why just don’t enjoy that taste) and this was honey on the bottom. Anyway I slimmed this down to about a 300 calorie meal that was a lot bigger then the original.

For a snack at 11am I had a banana.

Lunch was back to diet-to-go (i have 3 more meals of this) Barbecue Chicken & Sauce with Anise Roasted Potatoes, Baked Beans, Green Beans & Almonds

i chose this one today because I know my dinner will be lacking veggies and this one had the most. It was only 380 calories. Good size for this tasty lunch. The chicken was good…

But I liked all the sides that came with this. Baked beans.

Green beans and almonds.

Potatoes. Surprisingly not a huge fan of these because they were made with anise. I don’t care for black licorice flavor. It was just a hint bit I could taste it. I doused it in BBQ sauce to salvage.

Afternoon snack was half a flat of strawberries. I got these 2 for $5 at acme.

And some mixed nuts.

Fiber one high fiber chewy bar before the gym.

Fitness: same old Tuesday routine. I missed pilates last week so glad to be back. At work I again struggled though W4D1 of 100 pushups. I’m stuck on this one doing a total of 109 pushups on about 10 mins.

I’ve decided that Tuesday dinners need to be fast. I don’t get home until after 8pm, I’m starving, and I only have an hour before I like to be blogging in my bed. Soooo that brings me to dinner. Ever since i heard of their existence (not sure how), I have been dying to try pretzel bread lean pockets. I found them at Costco and hopefully I like them because it’s a large box. Drum roll…

Grilled Chicken Jalapeño Cheddar Pretzel Bread Lean Pocket with sides of rf kettle chips and butter snaps dipped in my last tbsp of hummus.

The lean pocket was great. It smelled like a fresh pretzel baking… Amazing and I was surprised that the jalapeño cheddar actually had a little kick (I still added hot sauce.

I am glad I bought the big box of these, I will enjoy them.

Dessert was a godiva chocolate.

Now I am watching Nova embarrass themselves in the Big East Tournament. Which leads me to question who will I be supporting this march madness? Nova is going to go out mortifyingly early.. I think Notre Dame maybe my team after at. Gott keep it in the Big East. Nova, why?!

Rain and Train

February 28, 2011

Exciting day, well sort of, It’s my first official day of half marathon training! What a lovely rainy day it is for it. Hoping the rain goes away so I can run outside tonight. I am excited to have a structured plan to follow for a little bit and mix up my routine.

Breakfast: didn’t go to the grocery store last week so don’t have many options. I did have vita tops and pb though.

Choc PB Pumpkin Vita Sandwich

-pumpkin vita top cut in half and heated
-1 tbsp naturally nutty choc cherry pb

Not as good as the choc vita and pb combo but still a good easy breakfast.

Morning snack was some frozen very cherry berry blend from trader joe’s.

Lunch was a lean pocket and 20 (about 100 cals) savory herd special k crackers. All dipped in hot sauce of course.

Afternoon snack was a fat free chocolate snack pack someone had given me at work. I mixed in a few mixed nuts for some added protein and crunchy, salty, deliciousness. Good snack.

I also had a grande skinny caramel latte that my boss brought back from a Starbucks run.

Preworkout vita braving the rain.

Fitness: as I mentioned this week starts my training. At my work break i decided to move on and try my hand at W4D2 of pushups. Couldnt do it all but gave it a pretty good run. 25-29-25-25-19 (was supposed to do 36+ on the last one) with 90 secs in between. Later, I was slated to run 3 miles ended up per the garmin at 3.14 and took 26:50 (avg pace 8:33) Which is fast for me! I was huffing and puffing at the end.

-mile 1 8:21
-mile 2 8:40
-mile 3 8:36
-last .14 8:40

30 mins is less time then I usually workout (i prefer to get in a full hour a day) so I decided I would add a weight session to days with runs under an hour. Besides, i haven’t done much weight lifting since committing to the 100 pushup challenge and i could really use it. I went with an on demand total body sculpt program. It was 20 mins long and used 10 lb weights. It was not very hard and didn’t do enough reps of the exercises to tire my muscles. Would not do this one again. To get the full our I also did a 10 sexy legs. This one was good for 10 mins and had some new leg moves I have never seen. Next time I need to kick up the weight session though- maybe go with the Jackie Werner on demand stuff as I originally planned. Off to volleyball later tonight. Last game of the season before playoffs.

While I was doing the weights in my living room I roasted some asparagus in the oven. Best way to cook it- about 30 mins at 350. The ends get a little burnt and crispy and somehow extremely delicious. Since I still haven’t gone to the grocery store I still have limited options. I paired the roasted asparagus with a hormel compleats roast beef and gravy (which is a top mashed potatoes).

The combination was very good. A little too salty and not the best mashed potatoes but what can you expect for something that heats up in 90 secs.

Now I am watching nova get killed by Notre Dame. Observations:
1. Where does Notre dame get so many good white athletes. We only ever have one token white kid that never plays.
2. Did the ND student section chant “shots, shots, shots…” during one of our free throw attempts? Because if they did, I can respect that.
3. Fish in a barrel, my friend. Nova’s the fish Notre dames court is the barrel. (towns the fish, people are the barrel….)

Vita top sandwich

February 22, 2011

Despite going to bed hungry last night, I had a normal amount of hunger for breakfast this morning. Funny how I can sleep it off.

I had a banana that was on the way to being over ripe so I got creative and invented this.

Vita Top Sandwich

-1 vita top heated and split in half
-1 tbsp RF pb
-about half banana thinly sliced (I ate the other half)

This was delicious. Very messy but oh my gaaa. Melty chocolate, pb and sweet banana. Soo good. Will probably be experimenting with these again. I am thinking a vita top cornbread sandwich is in my future.

Morning snack was a tiny apple I got from panera (way to small to eat on it’s own) and some mixed nuts and soy nuts.

Lunch was a pepperoni pizza lean pocket with some special k garlic and herb crackers. Hot sauce of course.

I am realizing that lean pockets are not very filling for me even when paired with a side of crackers. I am usually still hungry afterward. I should probably try pairing with a side of veggies instead.

Afternoon snack was a yogurt and kashi good friends topping.

I had a fiber one bar and some green tea made with water and one snl before heading to the gym.

Fitness: another day of W4 D1 of pushups and my usual Tuesday routine. I did a ton of hills today in spin. Hard/ great workout.

Dinner had to be quick because i get home late one Tuesdays and don’t like to waste time cooking and still hit my bed time. Getting home at 8 and still needing to eat, shower, and blog before bed at 9:30 (when I like to at least be in bed I would love to be asleep by then also) is a time crunch.

So after that rambling… Dinner was a TJ’s pasta Italiano and Gorton’s filet.

The meal was quick, made in less then 10 mins. I sprinkled with Parmesan and crushed red.

I ate half of the package of pasta, one filet, and some toast with spray butter. This was good, lots of different veggies- not enough eggplant though!- and easy to make (just slapped on stove but could have used in microwave) but too small of a portion. I was def hungry afterward.

It drove into the arms of dessert. Last piece of dark chocolate with sea salt and a few Swedish fish.