Tuna curry

March 1, 2011

Woke up this morning without the snooze button. First time in a while. I am still working through my food without going to the grocery store (special post about why tonight).

Breakfast was cereal mix. Last of fiber plus cinnamon oats and some grapenuts with skim milk. Love how grape nuts sink to the bottom. Mmmm

I was on a call during my morning snack time. I wanted my fruit but I could reach the work gifted ff snack pack and some mixed nuts. I need to buy more pudding, as i said yesterday, this is a tasty, chocolatey, salty snack.

Lunch was not frozen for once.

-TJ’s tuna green curry
-asparagus from last month
-last bits of my special k crackers

The tuna curry was so good. It had a little kick and the tuna was big chunks. However, this isn’t a dish to have often because it has 10 grams of fat (fine) but 9 of them are saturated. This is do to the coconut milk but still not a very good stat.

Afternoon snack… I finally got out the fruit. Cup full of very cherry berry blend from TJ’s.

Preworkout Fiber one.

Fitness: missed pilates today when I went to pick up my food (again explanation to come) bought taught my usual spin class. It was a good one. Lots of speed work with some hills thrown in which is pretty normal, but today I was out of breath often. Sign of a good workout.

My dinner is going to be on the next post because I have a special meal plan going on the next few days. To be continued…

Rain and Train

February 28, 2011

Exciting day, well sort of, It’s my first official day of half marathon training! What a lovely rainy day it is for it. Hoping the rain goes away so I can run outside tonight. I am excited to have a structured plan to follow for a little bit and mix up my routine.

Breakfast: didn’t go to the grocery store last week so don’t have many options. I did have vita tops and pb though.

Choc PB Pumpkin Vita Sandwich

-pumpkin vita top cut in half and heated
-1 tbsp naturally nutty choc cherry pb

Not as good as the choc vita and pb combo but still a good easy breakfast.

Morning snack was some frozen very cherry berry blend from trader joe’s.

Lunch was a lean pocket and 20 (about 100 cals) savory herd special k crackers. All dipped in hot sauce of course.

Afternoon snack was a fat free chocolate snack pack someone had given me at work. I mixed in a few mixed nuts for some added protein and crunchy, salty, deliciousness. Good snack.

I also had a grande skinny caramel latte that my boss brought back from a Starbucks run.

Preworkout vita braving the rain.

Fitness: as I mentioned this week starts my training. At my work break i decided to move on and try my hand at W4D2 of pushups. Couldnt do it all but gave it a pretty good run. 25-29-25-25-19 (was supposed to do 36+ on the last one) with 90 secs in between. Later, I was slated to run 3 miles ended up per the garmin at 3.14 and took 26:50 (avg pace 8:33) Which is fast for me! I was huffing and puffing at the end.

-mile 1 8:21
-mile 2 8:40
-mile 3 8:36
-last .14 8:40

30 mins is less time then I usually workout (i prefer to get in a full hour a day) so I decided I would add a weight session to days with runs under an hour. Besides, i haven’t done much weight lifting since committing to the 100 pushup challenge and i could really use it. I went with an on demand total body sculpt program. It was 20 mins long and used 10 lb weights. It was not very hard and didn’t do enough reps of the exercises to tire my muscles. Would not do this one again. To get the full our I also did a 10 sexy legs. This one was good for 10 mins and had some new leg moves I have never seen. Next time I need to kick up the weight session though- maybe go with the Jackie Werner on demand stuff as I originally planned. Off to volleyball later tonight. Last game of the season before playoffs.

While I was doing the weights in my living room I roasted some asparagus in the oven. Best way to cook it- about 30 mins at 350. The ends get a little burnt and crispy and somehow extremely delicious. Since I still haven’t gone to the grocery store I still have limited options. I paired the roasted asparagus with a hormel compleats roast beef and gravy (which is a top mashed potatoes).

The combination was very good. A little too salty and not the best mashed potatoes but what can you expect for something that heats up in 90 secs.

Now I am watching nova get killed by Notre Dame. Observations:
1. Where does Notre dame get so many good white athletes. We only ever have one token white kid that never plays.
2. Did the ND student section chant “shots, shots, shots…” during one of our free throw attempts? Because if they did, I can respect that.
3. Fish in a barrel, my friend. Nova’s the fish Notre dames court is the barrel. (towns the fish, people are the barrel….)